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Books in Nursing and midwifery

The Nursing & Midwifery subject area provides evidence-based content to support nurses and interprofessional teams in preparation, development, and everyday clinical care. Providing content for nursing students, nurse educators, NPs, LPNs/LVNs, RNs, APRNs, and more, the nursing portfolio covers all areas of nursing including NCLEX & Certification titles, Community Nursing, Nursing Pharmacology, Oncology, Nutrition, Home Health, Case Management, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Gerontology, Critical Care, Pediatric Nursing, Care Planning, Midwifery, Leadership & Management, Nurse Anesthesia, Psychiatric Mental Health, and more.

Thinking it Through: Clinical Reasoning, Clinical Judgement, and Decision Making in Canadian Nursing

  • 1st Edition
  • October 23, 2024
  • Karin L. Page-Cutrara
  • English
Written and developed by Canadians with the Canadian nursing context in mind, this new resource is the only fundamental Canadian-focused nursing text to support you in developing clinical reasoning skills and clinical judgement for decision making in nursing practice. Thinking it Through moves beyond the nursing process to deliver focused strategies using a unified process for thinking and decision making that is visible, relatable, real — and needed by future nurses. Introducing useful models and practical frameworks as essential nursing tools, this structured guide for nursing cognitive development is a valuable resource throughout every year of your nursing program.

Contemporary Nursing

  • 10th Edition
  • October 19, 2024
  • Barbara Cherry + 1 more
  • English
Get the big picture on professional nursing issues and prepare for leadership and management! Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management, 10th Edition ensures that you are prepared for the complex and rapidly changing world of today’s nursing. Coverage of key topics includes nursing theories and evidence-based practice, patient safety and quality care, clinical judgment, delegation and supervision, communication and interdisciplinary collaboration, and working within a multicultural and multigenerational environment. Written by noted nursing educators Barbara Cherry and Susan R. Jacob, this text not only prepares you for success on the NCLEX-RN® examination but for a role as an effective nursing manager and leader.

Lehne's Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants

  • 3rd Edition
  • October 16, 2024
  • Laura D. Rosenthal + 1 more
  • English
Lehne's Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurses and Physician Assistants, 3rd Edition builds on the same foundation of clearly explained, up-to-date, and clinically current content as Lehne’s trusted undergraduate text, while focusing on the information that advanced practice nurses and Physician Assistants specifically need for safe and effective prescribing. Introductory chapters provide foundational content in the areas of prescriptive authority, rational drug selection, prescription writing, and promoting positive outcomes of drug therapy. Core drug chapters focus on the drugs that you will most commonly see in clinical practice. Pharmacotherapeutic decision-making is emphasized, with Black Box Warnings and new Drug Decision Guide boxes. This edition features completely updated content with new chapters on drugs for sexual dysfunction and drugs for transgender health. It’s everything you need to be a safe and effective prescriber!

Doctorate: Finding your Way as a Healthcare Professional in Research

  • 1st Edition
  • October 15, 2024
  • Janet Deane
  • English
Are you thinking about embarking on postgraduate qualifications? Are you unsure how to juggle the challenges of a doctorate alongside your clinical workload and personal responsibilities? Then this new book from academic and health professional Dr Janet Deane is for you.Written from personal experience, Doctorate: Finding Your Way will help you navigate the entire process of your PhD journey, from choosing your research topic to undertaking the course and assessment, obtaining funding, managing your time, and optimising your health and wellbeing. The book is packed full of tips and advice from other health professionals who have successfully completed their doctorates.This book will be especially useful for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals who are considering doctoral research with a view to becoming future research leaders in their field.

Workbook for Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions

  • 8th Edition
  • October 10, 2024
  • Tracie Fuqua
  • English
Reinforce your understanding of disease processes with this practical workbook! With chapters corresponding to the chapters in the Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions, 8th Edition textbook, this workbook provides hands-on review and practice with anatomy labeling activities, review questions, vocabulary exercises, scenarios for patient screening and teaching, and more. This complete review will prepare you for success on classroom and certification exams, and help you apply your knowledge to the clinical setting.

Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review for Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants

  • 11th Edition
  • October 4, 2024
  • Leighann Remmert
  • English
Streamline your study process and master essential nursing assistant skills with confidence! Corresponding to the chapters in Remmert’s comprehensive text, the Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review for Mosby’s Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 11th Edition reinforces your understanding with numerous exercises and review questions — including matching, multiple-choice, labeling, crosswords, and mini case studies. Checklists for each of the 100+ procedures in the text help you learn key skills. The Competency Evaluation Review section prepares you for the CNA exam with a review of content, a skills evaluation review, and two practice exams.

A Clinician's Survival Guide to District Nursing

  • 1st Edition
  • October 3, 2024
  • Neesha Oozageer Gunowa + 1 more
  • English
A Clinician’s Survival Guide to District Nursing covers the specialist skills and knowledge nurses need to join the rapidly expanding, increasingly important community nursing workforce. The book is a quick reference guide designed to support autonomous decision making amid the wide range of conditions district nurses are expected to manage, recognising and highlighting the advanced skills of district nurses. It will help the reader understand what it means to work in the community, acquire the fundamental knowledge of clinical skills necessary to ensure best practice, and explore ways of working to ensure optimal care delivery through joined-up health and social services. Written by specialists in community nursing, this indispensable new book is ideal for students exploring district nursing as a career option, as well as nurses transitioning to a district nursing team role.

Le guide pratique infirmier en psychiatrie

  • 2nd Edition
  • October 3, 2024
  • Solange Langenfeld Serranelli + 1 more
  • French
Cette nouvelle édition du livre « Fiches de soins infirmiers en psychiatrie » permet aux étudiants en stage et aux professionnels infirmiers d’établir un lien entre connaissances acquises et pratiques professionnelles de terrain dans la prise en soin des patients atteints de troubles psychiques.Cet ouvrage se distingue par son analyse approfondie des conduites à adopter et à éviter en fonction des pathologies rencontrées, définissant avec précision et justesse les besoins psychologiques spécifiques des patients. Rédigé dans un style synthétique et très visuel, il privilégie les schémas, les tableaux et les cas concrets pour faciliter l’apprentissage et la révision.Trois grandes parties le composent :les prérequis concernant la santé mentale ;les pathologies de l’adulte et leur prise en soins spécifique ;les pathologies de l’enfant.De nombreux contenus, tableaux et figures sont accessibles en ligne pour un approfondissement des connaissances.Cette nouvelle édition, revue en profondeur dans sa présentation, a été entièrement mise à jour et constitue un véritable outil de référence pour une pratique actuelle des soins infirmiers en psychiatrie.Solange Langenfeld Serranelli, autrice principale de l’ouvrage, est Directrice de l’organisme de formation Compétences Formations, formatrice en soins infirmiers dans les hôpitaux et Infirmière de secteur psychiatrique.Jacky Merkling, auteur de la partie pédopsychiatrie, est cadre supérieur de santé, formateur en Institut de Formation des Cadres de Santé (IFCS) et consultant en formation continue.Aurélien Cornil, auteur des chapitres concernant les troubles des conduites alimentaires et les troubles liés à une substance et troubles addictifs, est Docteur en psychologie, psychologue clinicien et chargé de cours à l’Université de Liège.


  • 3rd Edition
  • September 27, 2024
  • Uwe Wagner + 1 more
  • German
Aus der Praxis für die Praxis Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen praxisnah, wie Sie Pflegetechniken zur Positionierung bei Patienten und Patientinnen sowie Pflegebedürftigen, die als "bettlägerig" oder hochgradig immobil gelten, gesundheitsfördernd einsetzen können. So unterstützen die vorgestellten Techniken bei Maßnahmen zur Dekubitus- und Kontrakturenprophylaxe, beim Kinaesthetics Infant Handling und bei Bariatric Care. Beginnend mit Grundlagen wie zum Kinaesthetics-Konzept und zur Dekubitusprophylaxe, kommt dieses Buch ganz schnell „zur Sache“: In erläuterten Fotoserien und Videos aus seiner Pflegepraxis verdeutlicht der Autor, wie die richtige Positionierung die eigenständige Beweglichkeit bestmöglich fördert. Auch Intensivpflegende erhalten wertvolle Tipps für die Positionierung Schwerstkranker. Bewegung und Positionswechsel: Erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch gezielte Bewegungen und Positionswechsel die Pflege optimieren und die Gesundheit Ihrer Patientinnen und Patienten fördern können.Sinnvolle Hilfsmittel: Lernen Sie den effektiven Einsatz von Hilfsmitteln kennen, die Ihnen die Pflege von kleinen bis großen Patienten erleichtern.Anschauliche Videos und Fotoserien: Das Buch enthält anschauliche Videos, die die im Buch beschriebenen Positionierungen und Hilfsmittel visualisieren. Ergänzt durch detaillierte Fotoserien aus der Pflegepraxis. Neu in der 3. vollständig überarbeiteten Auflage: Generalistische AusbildungsinhalteÜber 20 Videos zur Positionierung, Hilfsmitteln und FallbeispieleBariatric Care: Positionierung und Hilfsmittel in der Pflege von übergewichtigen PatientenKinaesthetics Infant Handling - Positionierung in der Pädiatrie von Intensivstation bis zum häuslichen UmfeldDas Buch eignet sich für:Pflegefachpersonen in der Ausbildung, Pflegefachpersonen in der häuslichen und klinischen Pflege