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Books in Psychiatric mental health

Pflege konkret Neurologie Psychiatrie

  • 7th Edition
  • June 8, 2022
  • Kai Gold + 1 more
  • German
Mit der Reihe Pflege konkret sind Sie für die Ausbildung zur Pflegefachperson und die Zeit danach bestens gerüstet: Das Autorenteam aus Pflege und Medizin vernetzt Inhalte aus Pflegepraxis, Pflegewissenschaft, Krankheitslehre und Pharmakologie, so dass Sie alles über Pflege, Diagnostik und Therapie der wichtigsten Erkrankungen erfahren. Die Pflege deckt dabei ihre verschiedenen Dimensionen ab: präventiv – kurativ – rehabilitativ – palliativ. Praxisnah und wissenschaftsbasiert zugleich werden Ihnen die Grundlagen der Fachgebiete Neurologie und Psychiatrie vermittelt, damit Sie in Pflegesituationen fallorientiert und pflegewissenschaftlich handeln können. Zahlreiche farbige Fotos und Bildserien geben Ihnen konkrete Handlungsanleitungen für die tägliche Praxis. Das übersichtliche Farbleitsystem, die Definitions-, Notfall- und Merkkästen erleichtern das schnelle Auffinden und Lernen von Informationen, denn so sehen Sie auf einen Blick was wichtig ist. Transferaufgaben am Ende des Kapitels vertiefen das Gelernte und sorgen für den nötigen Praxisbezug.Das Werk ist an die Nomenklatur der ICD-10 angeglichen. Neu in der 7. Auflage: Von einem teils ganz neuen Herausgeber- und neuem Autorenteam komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Neue Leitlinen eingearbeitet

Varcarolis’ Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

  • 5th Edition
  • April 26, 2022
  • Chyllia D Fosbre
  • English
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Psychiatric**Gain the essential knowledge and skills you need to succeed as a psychiatric nurse! Varcarolis’ Essentials of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Communication Approach to Evidence Based Care, 5th Edition provides a concise, easy-to-understand guide to today’s leading psychiatric theories and therapeutic modalities. Emphasizing evidence-based care, the book balances coverage of scientifically based treatment approaches with insights into effective communication skills, so you will be prepared to offer the best possible care when you enter practice. Written by nursing expert Chyllia D. Fosbre, this edition adds new Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) examination-style case studies to help you develop critical thinking skills and prepare for the NGN exam.

Interpersonal Relationships

  • 9th Edition
  • April 24, 2022
  • Kathleen Underman Boggs
  • Sarah Vora
  • English
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Patient Education**Master the skills you need to communicate effectively in the health care setting! Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses, 9th Edition shows how you can interact with patients, families, and the health care team in ways that are professional, honest, empathetic, and knowledgeable. A clear guide to essential competencies, this book covers relationship skills, health promotion, patients with special communication needs, and interprofessional communication. Case examples make it easier to apply communication theories to real-life practice. New to this edition are Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style case studies and a new chapter on managing personal stress. Written by noted educator Kathleen Underman Boggs, this reference is a two-time winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award.

Psychiatric Drugs Explained

  • 7th Edition
  • April 13, 2022
  • David Healy
  • English
Psychiatric Drugs Explained offers a wealth of evidence-based information on psychiatric drugs in an easy-to-use format that can be quickly referenced in the clinical setting. Written by internationally recognised author Dr David Healy, the book provides a comprehensive review of drug effects, action and side-effects. There is an emphasis on the lived experience of patients, providing the reader with a sense of what the adverse effects of drugs might feel like to those who use them. A reader-friendly approach and clear layout, with information organised by disorder, make this popular title accessible and useful not only to nursing staff, but to all members of the multidisciplinary team.

Keltner’s Psychiatric Nursing

  • 9th Edition
  • February 25, 2022
  • Debbie Steele
  • English
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Psychiatric**Gain the skills you need to provide safe and effective psychiatric nursing care! Keltner’s Psychiatric Nursing, 9th Edition provides a solid foundation in the knowledge required to manage and care for patients with psychiatric disorders. It features a unique, three-pronged approach to psychotherapeutic management emphasizing the nurse’s three primary tools: themselves and their relationship with patients, medications, and the therapeutic environment. New to this edition are Next Generation NCLEX® exam-style case studies to help you learn clinical judgment and prepare for success on the NCLEX. Known for its clear and friendly writing style, this text covers psychiatric nursing like no other book on the market.

Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

  • 9th Edition
  • August 13, 2021
  • Margaret Jordan Halter
  • English
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Psychiatric**Prepare for psychiatric nursing care with this comprehensive, evidence-based text! Varcarolis' Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach, 9th Edition makes it easy to understand the complexities of psychiatric disorders and how to provide quality mental and behavioral health care. Clinical chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application, preparing you for practice with real-world examples. Other notable features include illustrated explanations of the neurobiology of disorders, DSM-5 criteria for major disorders, and nursing care plans. From clinical nurse specialist and lead author Dr. Margaret Jordan Halter, this bestselling text includes new Next Generation NCLEX® content to prepare you for success on your PMHN certification exam.

Mental Health A Pocket Guide

  • 4th Edition
  • August 11, 2021
  • Debra O’Kane
  • English
This highly valued quick reference guide returns in its fourth edition to provide practical and helpful strategies for responding effectively to those in crisis. Mental Health: A pocket guide delivers a comprehensive overview of the relevant concepts vital to contemporary mental health care. With a clear focus on the consumer, it covers the issues faced by people living with mental illness, as well as best practice approaches for primary health, first responders and multidisciplinary health care professionals.

Leitfaden Psychiatrische Pflege

  • 5th Edition
  • August 10, 2021
  • Holger Thiel + 2 more
  • German
Pflege in der Psychiatrie ist anders. Der ''Klinikleitfaden Psychiatrische Pflege'' ist das Nachschlagewerk für Pflegende in allen Bereichen der Psychiatrie. Es informiert umfassend, zielsicher und schnell über das praxisrelevante Wissen in der psychiatrischen Pflege und bietet konkreten Rat. Das Buch mit unerlässlichen Tipps für den Pflegealltag: Von der Aufnahme über Qualitätsmanagement und rechtliche Grundlagen, einem Überblick über psychische Störungen und Erkrankungen, Befunderhebung, Diagnostik und therapeutische Maßnahmen bis hin zu Besonderheiten in der psychiatrischen Pflege, Psychosomatik und forensischen Psychiatrie. Neu in der 5. Auflage: - Die Kapitel Therapeutische Verfahren und Forensische Psychiatrie sind stark überarbeitet bzw. aktualisiert. - Neue Kapitel: „Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie“, „Menschen mit herausfordernden Verhaltensweisen und langfristigem Unterstützungsbedarf“ und „Onlinegestützte audiovisuelle Kommunikation im ambulanten Setting“ Ideal für Pflegende in der Psychiatrie, in ambulanter Pflege sowie Auszubildende in der Generalistischen Ausbildung.

Psicología médica

  • 2nd Edition
  • December 9, 2020
  • Darío Díaz Méndez + 1 more
  • Spanish
Manual riguroso en el que se recogen de manera siste­mática los últimos avances científicos en el estudio del comportamiento humano relacio­nado con la salud de una manera clara, sintética e integrada. La obra se divide en cinco grandes bloques temáticos, en los que se abordan desde los procesos psicológicos básicos, la personalidad y el desarrollo en un entorno social, la co­municación asistencial y la interacción médico-paciente, hasta contenidos introductorios a la psicopatología y la psicoterapia. Buscando un enfoque multidisciplinar, en la elaboración de esta segunda edición han par­ticipado 54 profesores e investigadores nacionales e internacionales de los ámbitos de la medicina, la psicología, la enfermería o la biología, todos ellos expertos en sus campos de conocimiento. A pesar de su rigor, se ha empleado un lenguaje didáctico. Incluye capítulos específicos que desarrollan los factores psicológicos clave para la adquisición de habilidades de comunicación asistencial con el objetivo de enseñar cómo establecer una buena interacción médico-paciente. Sitúa al paciente en el centro de la actividad asistencial, poniendo un especial énfasis en su bienestar y calidad de vida. En este sentido, se dedica un nuevo capítulo al envejecimiento saludable. Se trata del único texto actualizado disponible en español, adaptado al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y dirigido a estudiantes de Medicina y otras ciencias de la salud, especialmente Enfermería y Odontología. Permite a los estudiantes adquirir una adecuada formación en los aspectos sociales y humanísticos vinculados con la medicina.  

Stories in Mental Health

  • 2nd Edition
  • October 8, 2020
  • Debra Nizette + 2 more
  • English
Stories in Mental Health 2nd edition is an insightful collection of personal stories from a range of mental health consumers, carers and mental health nurse clinicians who openly share their experiences. Through listening and observing, this extraordinary resource offers nursing students and health professionals a unique perspective on what it is like to live with a mental health disorder, care for a family member with a mental health disorder or work within various mental healthcare settings. Available as a print or eBook, this valuable resource builds empathy and understanding and provides examples of innovative approaches to care with a focus on reflection, inquiry and action. The teaching and learning strategies assist in developing skills, attitudes and appropriate responses when working in a range of mental healthcare settings. Most importantly, Stories in Mental Health provides a much-needed consumer voice to mental healthcare.