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Books in Pharmacology

Study Guide for Clayton's Basic Pharmacology for Nurses

  • 20th Edition
  • February 3, 2025
  • Michelle J. Willihnganz
  • English
Reinforce your understanding of nursing pharmacology and prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN® exam! With chapters corresponding to the chapters in Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 20th Edition, this study guide provides a variety of exercises to help you review and practice the LPN/LVN’s role in drug therapy and patient care. Review questions make it easier to achieve the chapter objectives from the textbook, and patient scenarios help you develop clinical judgment skills. Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN)-style questions ensure that you will be ready for the critical thinking questions on the NGN exam.

Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses

  • 20th Edition
  • December 4, 2024
  • Michelle J. Willihnganz + 1 more
  • English
Learn how to provide safe, effective nursing care for patients receiving drug therapy! Clayton’s Basic Pharmacology for Nurses, 20th Edition helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and apply them to nursing practice. This text explains how to make informed decisions about drug therapy, educate patients, and administer medications. This edition adds enhanced coverage of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model to prepare you for the critical thinking questions on the Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) exam. Concise and easy to use, this essential resource helps you master the basics of medication administration and drug actions.


  • 12th Edition
  • December 3, 2024
  • Linda E. McCuistion + 3 more
  • English
Gain a solid understanding of nursing pharmacology and patient-centered medication safety! Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 12th Edition, makes it easy to learn the principles of nursing pharmacology and drug dosage calculation. A clear guide to pharmacotherapy and safe drug administration, this popular book uses drug prototypes to provide need-to-know information about key drugs, including dosage, side effects, interactions, and more. Nursing Process/Clinical Judgment summaries enhance your skills in applying clinical judgment skills for safe patient care. Written by a team of nursing experts led by Linda McCuistion, this time-tested textbook provides the nursing pharmacology knowledge you need to succeed on the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam and administer drugs safely.

The 3P's for Advanced Healthcare Providers

  • 1st Edition
  • November 30, 2024
  • Julia Rogers + 1 more
  • English
Master the three Ps and provide quality care for the common medical conditions APRNs will encounter in practice! A concise, full-color reference, The 3P's for Advanced Healthcare Providers provides an evidence-based approach to pathophysiology, physical examination findings, and pharmacologic treatment. Algorithms are included for each diagnosis to help you visualize the link between the three Ps, with an emphasis on how these three topics directly impact patient treatment. Written by noted NP educators Julia L. Rogers and Jodi Allen, this resource helps APRNs deliver accurate, patient-centered care in any setting.

Study Guide for Lilley's Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice

  • 5th Edition
  • June 13, 2024
  • Kara Sealock + 1 more
  • English
Ensure your mastery of need-to-know Canadian pharmacology nursing principles with the Study Guide for Lilley’s Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice, 5th Edition. Designed to accompany the Lilley’s textbook, this dynamic study guide helps you better understand, retain, and apply the information and concepts from each chapter of the text. Worksheets for each chapter include multiple-choice review questions, critical thinking and application questions, case studies, and a wealth of other learning activities to help you fully prepare for credentialling exams.

Ross & Wilson Pharmacology

  • 1st Edition
  • June 11, 2024
  • Allison Grant
  • English
Ross & Wilson texts are known for their clear, accessible explanations that provide comprehensive information without excessive detail - making them highly sought after by nurses, pharmacy students, students of allied health professions and paramedics. This new title applies the same approach to the discussion of drugs and their use in medicine. Readers will develop a sound scientific understanding about the mechanism of action of drugs and be able to relate this to their clinical uses, as well as appreciate their effects on the body’s physiological systems. Beautifully illustrated and written in a way that is easy to understand, Ross & Wilson Pharmacology is an ideal companion for practitioners, students and prescribers wanting a clear and practical understanding of the fast-changing field of clinical pharmacology.


  • 13th Edition
  • April 12, 2024
  • Urban & Fischer Elsevier GmbH
  • German
Arzneimittellehre behandelt kompakt sämtliche Inhalte zu Medikamenten, deren Wirkung und Nebenwirkung und Verabreichungsformen.Abbildungen und Tabellen unterstützen den Text und machen auch komplizierte Zusammenhänge leicht verständlich.Die praxisorientierte Gliederung ermöglicht Ihnen eine schnelle Orientierung und liefert genau das benötigte Wissen. Pflegehinweise stellen Bezüge zur Praxis her und vermitteln Ihnen das notwendige Hintergrundwissen zur optimalen Versorgung Ihrer Patienten.Dazu: Wiederholung des Prüfungsstoffes mit Fragen am Ende eines jeden Kapitels. Am Ende des Buches veranschaulichen drei Fallsituationen den Lernstoff.Die neue, 13. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet.Das Buch eignet sich für:Auszubildende Pflegefachfrau bzw. Pflegefachmann

Administración de medicamentos

  • 4th Edition
  • March 14, 2024
  • Adelaida Zabalegui Yárnoz + 1 more
  • Spanish
Exhaustiva actualización y reorganización de los contenidos. Nuevo capítulo que aborda la administración de medicamentos en la atención domiciliaria. La información esencial: desde cálculos simples hasta situaciones complejas. Apéndices que constituyen guías de administración muy útiles en la práctica clínica. Casos clínicos y preguntas de autoevaluación. Vídeo demostrativo del funcionamiento de un Sistema Automático de Dispensación.

Castells-Hernández. Farmacología en enfermería

  • 4th Edition
  • February 23, 2024
  • Margarita Hernández Pérez + 1 more
  • Spanish
Incorpora nuevos capítulos sobre principios generales de administración de fármacos y reacciones adversas a medicamentos. Incluye una sección acerca del tratamiento tópico de heridas crónicas.   Los listados de objetivos de aprendizaje y los cuadros de elementos clave “Puntos importantes para enfermería”, así como la organización sistemática de los capítulos, contribuyen a un eficaz aprendizaje de los contenidos. Proporciona acceso a la versión electrónica completa del libro, que contiene material adicional para el aprendizaje consistente en 259 preguntas de autoevaluación y 141 casos clínicos, todos ellos con respuestas razonadas. Ofrece contenidos actualizados por un excelente panel de colaboradores de probada experiencia docente y clínica, incluyendo por primera vez en esta edición autores de Facultades de Latinoamérica.  

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